Here is the letter of introduction from the student researcher, who is majoring in Nursing at Dominican University of California:


My name is Dimitri Torres and I am collecting data for my Senior Honors Thesis Research. This study consists of a survey, which is intended for parents of toddlers ages 1-3 years old or for parents of children ages 4-5 years old who developed food allergy at 1-3 years old. You must be at least 18 years of age to complete this survey. The survey will take 10-15 minutes of your time.

The purpose of this research is to collect food allergy data from parents and guardians of young children who live in or near Magalang, Philippines. The aim is to describe food allergy prevalence and determine possible factors that could contribute to food allergies. This research aspires to provide the scientific community with an epidemiological study on food allergy prevalence in a pediatric population of a developing country, such as the Philippines. The goal  ultimately is to help lay a foundation for  understanding why children develop food allergies across the world, why food allergies continue to grow in prevalence in developing countries, and what potential prevention strategies may look like.

Every attempt will be made to collect data without any identifying information. No names or email addresses will be collected or recorded on the survey. The surveys will be coded with a Study Identify number only (such as 001, 002, 003, etc.). Please do not provide any identifying information in your answers. You may choose to skip any question. You also may stop at any point if you no longer wish to participate. Your participation is entirely voluntary. If you do not submit your responses, your answers will not be included in the study. There is no negative consequence if you choose to not participate.

If, in a rare case, a participant’s data is identified, the data will be maintained as strictly confidential. All information will be deidentified. To help keep responses confidential, please do not provide any identifying information in your survey answers. Submitting your survey answers gives the researcher your informed consent to use your answers in the study.  

To obtain a copy of the study results, you may contact me at

If you have questions about the research, you may contact me at my email address, If you have further questions, you may contact my research supervisor, Patricia Harris at or the Dominican University of California Institutional Review Board for the Protection of Human Participants (IRBPHP), which is concerned with the protection of volunteers in research projects. You may reach the IRBPHP Office by calling (415) 482-3547 and leaving a voicemail message, or FAX at (415) 257-0165, or by writing to IRBPHP, Office of Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs, Dominican University of California, 50 Acacia Avenue, San Rafael, CA 95901. Thank you!


Dimitri Lacson Torres (

For more information about this study or to participate, please click the URL below:

                                                                                           Introduction to the Survey (English)

  • There is a rise in food allergy prevalence in developing countries. There is a lack of pediatric food allergy epidemiological data from developing countries. This study is designed to help fill in gaps in the research and bring the scientific community closer to identifying what causes food allergy.I understand that I am being asked to be a participant in a food allergy research survey designed to collect data on pediatric food allergy prevalence in the city of Magalang, Philippines 
  • I understand that in order to participate in this study, I must be at least 18-years-old and have at least one child aged 1-year to 5-years..
  • I understand that participation in this research will involve taking part in a five question survey related to my child and food allergies.
  • The amount of time to complete the survey is expected to take approximately 10-15 minutes of time.
  • I understand that questions will inquire about the age my child developed a food allergy (if applicable); my family’s allergy history, my child’s birth, and the development of my child’s food allergies at the age of 1-to-3 years.
  • I understand that some of the questions are of a personal nature, and I am free to decline to answer any question.
  • I understand that my participation in this study is completely voluntary and I am free to withdraw my participation at any time. 
  • I understand that there are no negative consequences for not participating. 
  • Similarly, I understand that I am not going to be compensated – other than with the researchers’ sincere thanks – for my participation.
  • I understand that while I will not personally benefit from participation in this study, I will contribute to knowledge of the prevalence of pediatric allergies.
  • I have been made aware that no personally identifying information will be collected, and researchers will do everything possible to ensure that the identities of participants will be protected. Only deidentified, aggregated data will be used in the analysis and dissemination to ensure personal information is protected throughout the entirety of the study.
  • After the research has been completed, I understand that results will be made available to participants by requesting a copy from the primary researcher.
  • I understand that a potential risk to me, as a participant, could include inadvertent loss of privacy. If that happens, researchers will do everything possible to maintain confidentiality. 
  • I have been assured that risk is minimal since data collection will not include any identifying information such as names, email or home addresses, or phone numbers. Through participation in the study, individuals may come closer to understanding factors associated with the  development of food allergies.  Contribution of food allergy data will help enable researchers to determine the baseline  food allergy prevalence in Magalang and potentially pinpoint factors associated with the development of  food allergies. This information may serve to aid in the development of food allergy prevention strategies for future generations.
  • My participation is completely voluntary. If I choose not to participate, there will be  no penalty or loss of benefits to which I am otherwise entitled. I may discontinue my participation at any time without penalty or loss of benefits, to which I am otherwise entitled
  • I understand that I may contact the mayor’s office at: or +63 45 343 4713 regarding questions about the mayor’s office involvement in this research project.
  • I understand that if I have any further questions about the study, I may contact Dimtri Torres at his research supervisor, Patricia Harris at or (510) 260-7307. If I have further questions or comments about participation in this study, I may contact the Dominican University of California Institutional Review Board for the Protection of Human Participants (IRBPHP), which is concerned with the protection of volunteers in research projects. I may reach the IRBPHP Office by calling (415) 482-3547 and leaving a voicemail message, by FAX at (415) 257-0165 or by writing to the IRBPHP, Office of the Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs, Dominican University of California, 50 Acacia Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901.


  • By submitting my survey, I give my consent to participate and give permission to use my responses in the study analysis.
  • To access the Survey, click the URL below:


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